
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Work in Progress

In class, when students don't finish an assignment, I tell them to put it in their WIP folder, short for Work in Progress.  If you're anything like me, you have several things in your own WIP folder, whether it be calling an old friend, projects around the house, or just spending a little time on yourself.  Lately I seem to continuously be adding to my folder, but not finishing any assignments. My folder keeps growing and growing and growing, and I just wonder how long those little staples can keep it together.  If you live the life of an educator, you understand the chaos that surrounds the end of the school year.  Yes, we get summers and holidays off, but I have finally figured out why.  Its our chance to empty some of these things out of our WIP folder.  We need this time to take care of our friends and family, but most importantly ourselves. 

Writing this blog has allowed me to get around to things that I've always wanted to do.  I hope as the summer goes on, I am able to complete some of these assignments, and empty my folder (or at least put a dent in it).  Each spring, as school begins wrapping up, I make a summer to-do list.  Since moving in with Will, he has helped not only add to this list, but scratch things off.

Currently in my House WIP Folder:
1. Clean out spare bedroom, get a desk, and turn it into a hobby room.
2. Over the cabinet decoration
3. Wall décor in kitchen
4. Clean up study
5. Get all unnecessary furniture out of house
6. Put together IKEA furniture
7. Learn how to use sewing machine
      a. Sew at least one item of clothing
8. Find some sort of seating for the backyard
9. Find a cute glass container for spare change
10. Find some sort of mail filer
11. Figure out shutter situation in dining and living room
12. Create a table setting on the formal dining room table

No doubt we will add to this list. Work on our house is never ending, and as we continue to grow our lives together, we have to figure out ways to successfully merge our things and styles. Thankfully, with a little help from my wonderful mom, I am working on #12 today. A few weeks ago, I found these killer vases at goodwill for a steal! They are nice and sturdy, and in great condition.  I had to fix a few dings with joint compound and sanding, but with a new black paint job they look fantastic! I could kick myself now, because I forgot to take a picture of what they looked like before.  My mom also found 2 little vases that fit inside perfectly, for some added height and to turn them into candle holders.  Paired with the candles already on the table, I think its going to come together nicely.  Will and I aren't really leave-a-set-table-all-the-time kind of people, so I think I am going to need to be a bit more creative.  I still have a few more ideas for the table, but I need to find some of the items I'm looking for.
As I clear out my WIP folder, I'll be sure to continue writing and posting pictures.  What about you? Have you finished anything in your WIP lately?

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